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Why you should write a book

Here’s why you should write a book if you are a small business owner, a coach, or a public speaker:

  • It’s like a supercharged brochure or business card that you can use to promote yourself and your business.
  • But a book won’t get thrown out like a business card often does. You’re much more likely to keep your name in front of your prospective client for longer with your book sitting on their shelf.
  • It’s much less of a commitment to buy someone’s book than to sign up straight off for their coaching programme.
  • And while those networking events are on hold for the time being, a book is a perfect way to introduce yourself from a distance.
  • An expert who has authored a book has more credibility and authority than any of their peers who haven’t.

It’s easier (and quicker) to do than you might think. Stick with me: I’ll show you how to write a book and get published so you can position yourself as an expert in your industry.

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